Sustainability and Agenda 2030

Based on ESG principles, our path to SDGs as SME

For us, being sustainable means living the implementation of the SDGs in our business daily routine, collaborating with partners who share our vision and values

We are an Italian SME, so we identified the specific paragraphs of the goals of the Agenda 2030 which are applicable to our business and reality. Below you will discover how PF gives a contribution to their implementation.

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

3.8 Achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all

We strongly believe that good health is essential for each individual and we are well aware that nobody is actually “doing fine” whenever a relative is ill. Thus, PF is committed to the actual support of its employees and their beloved ones by financing the services provided by SAN.ARTI, W.I.L.A., E.L.B.A. welfare programs. The diverse benefits include: co-pay reimbursement; diagnostics with specialist ophthalmologists and orthopedists; reimbursement for the purchase of lenses, footbeds, prosthesis; economic support for surgeries and physiotherapies; contribution to the payment of daycare services; “maternity package” destined to our employees or their partners; dental care for our employees’ children (until under18); reimbursement of health-related expenditures for our employees’ children suffering from autism or SLD; economic support to cover hospitalization fees in nursing homes and home-care for our employees’ parents and in-laws; economic contribution for the renewal of apprenticeship (till the path completion), for the purchase of middle and high school books for our employees’ children; scholarships for our employees earning a diploma and for their children graduating from high school.

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

4.3 By 2030, ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education, including university

We partner with Consorzio Mestieri to support younger generations in achieving a technical diploma. We do so thanks to the apprenticeship program according to art. 43 D.Lgs 81\2015.
Since our employees benefit from the E.L.B.A. services, they can request the disbursement of a scholarship as they earn a diploma as well as diverse form of economic support for the educational choices and priorities of their kids. We firmly believe that education should not be a burden and that no one should be left with no other option than withdrawing from an academic career when facing costly expenses. PF maintains that actively supporting the education of its employees and their kids is the best investment in individuals and in a fairer and increasingly conscious society.

4.4 By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship

Each job must be decent and a job can be considered dignified exclusively if it is fairly, correctly and always paid. This is imperative for us. Competences and responsibilities increase the salaries. Consequently, investing in trainings means investing in the people attending them, in their skills and potential, enabling them to grow as professionals earning rising salaries. PF invests in training both in the post-recruitment phase and in continuous training: the more competent our employees are, the more innovative our products, processes and procedures can grow. Thus investing in training means investing in making our business more and more valuable and competitive on the market. Our expenses for personnel training keep rising since 2019 – with the exception of 2020, given the global pandemic. Convinced that competence and safety are the two sides of the same coin, all our employees attend classes and courses of continuous training also in the safety matter. Our goal is to train specialized and skilled workers who are perfectly able to work autonomously and in teams, both in the offices and in the production department. As to provide a comprehensive and focused learning path, PF offers apprenticeship oriented to long term and stable employment: in 2023, 18.75% of our employees are apprentices while the remaining 81.25% are full-time permanent workers.

4.6 By 2030, ensure that all youth and a substantial proportion of adults, both men and women, achieve literacy and numeracy

In order to work at PF it is mandatory to be proficient in Italian or to be willing to undertake the effort to become it. We encourage our non-Italian employees to actively learn the Italian language believing it is essential for mutual understanding, safety and inclusion in the workplace and in the community. Aiming at fostering social integration and inclusive communities, we thus stress the importance of speaking the same language starting from proficient practicing during the working hours.

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

5.5 Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life.

Since 1969 women are appointed to strategic positions in the business management, they are synonym of the business stability and strength. Originally, it was the current president the one in charge of accounting and financial operations, auditing and managing the relations with financial institutions. Throughout the years she progressively became a supervisor; women with an expertise on financial and accounting matters became senior accountant, and today we can say that the strategic management of financial duties and responsibilities has been in female hands since 1969. Our current senior accountant joined PF in her twenties as an apprentice, she undertook a robust learning path, she earned the trust of the financial institutions counterparts, and today she is their go-to. Another strategic position created by and for a woman is the senior logistic manager. While the business size was growing, a position dedicated to coordinate procurement and warehouse stock management become necessary to ensure production stability. The most proactive candidate was a young woman, and thanks to her competences, skills and willingness to learn we designed a job that enhances her strengths, passion, and fulfills the company’s needs. She mastered the use of the new software, and today she is still in a path of continuous learning to keep improving the direction and handling of logistics and inventory procedures. If the production line keeps running it is the outcome of her synergy with our head of production: a woman, again. Her background is a Msc. graduation in mechanical engineering and her job experience in multinational companies, she is our head of production, our enthusiastic team builder, and the go-to for our team. She is in charge of designing the production processes, collaborating in the HRM, and she is our OHS deputy officer. Nobody knows PF better than her, nobody is able to better understand and develop the potential in each member of our team. Thanks to her co-operation with our CEO – the creative genius in charge of product development and business innovation and nonetheless the only man in a managerial position – we are able to develop effective learning path for our apprentices, built on the specificities of our business and products. Furthermore, thanks to her skills the innovation and sustainability of our product design is actually manufactured in finished product and profits.

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

6.4 By 2030, substantially increase water-use efficiency across all sectors and ensure sustainable withdrawals and supply of freshwater to address water scarcity and substantially reduce the number of people suffering from water scarcity
In our production we do not use – nor need – water. Nonetheless, we obviously use it for drinking and for sanitation purposes. We are aware that water is used in the production process of our raw material – steel. Recognizing the issue of water scarcity, we are committed to investing in a system of rainwater collection and reuse for the sanitation-related needs. Addressing the water-use in steel production, we act on the supply chain by choosing partners sharing our commitment for sustainable business processes. We selected as supplier Lampre Group which has reduced the water consumption of a 3% rate per ton of product between 2019 and 2022.

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.

7.1 By 2030, ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services

Our board is keen on sustainability both in the private and business life. We maintain that it is not sufficient to adopt sustainable practices exclusively in the working hours, and that the transition to a more sustainable world requires sustainable conducts 24h per day, so mobility and transport are topics of main focus.
We incentivize our employees to purchase electric vehicles by offering free charging stations in the business parking lot. Naturally, all visitors driving electric cars can access the stations which are powered by the business solar power generation system. Considering the provision of EU Regulation 2023\851, we plan to install new e-charging stations in upcoming years.

7.2 By 2030, increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix.

In 2022 we completely dismissed natural gas as an energy source. Consequently, since 2022 the sole energy power is electricity exclusively generated by renewable sources.
For the economic sustainability and the competitivity of PF and its products it is mandatory to minimize the energy-related costs and to rely on a stable and environmentally sustainable supplying network. Thus, we selected Sorgenia as our 100% green-energy supplier and we invested in a solar power generation system which was commissioned in the summer of 2023.
Our contract with Sorgenia ensures that the energy delivered to PF comes exclusively from sustainable sources. So, whenever the sun fails in delivering the energy needed, we are not failing in our commitment to an environmentally sustainable production process, we are still minimizing the energy-purchase related costs and enjoy the benefits of a reliable and stable energy supply.
Finally, when the solar power generation system is overproducing, the surplus is delivered to the energy network contributing to the availability of electricity produced from renewable sources.

7.3 By 2030, double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency

Between 2017 and 2023 PF invested in the renewal of all production machinery aiming at drastically reducing energy consumption. From a comparison analysis of April 2017 and April 2023 data – when the renewal was completed – shows a reduction in energy consumption by – 39.12%.
For the efficiency and sustainability of the entire production cycle it is necessary not only to introduce next generation machinery, but also to use it efficiently. Thus, the installation of the solar power generation system is a strategic decision which is functional to the implementation of the new production organizational design.
The foundation is the reduction of network energy consumption as to reduce the related production costs and consequential effects on the final price of our products, which are once again proved to be sustainable and competitive on the market.

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

8.2 Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors.

The entire production process is based on diversification and innovation: from the purchase of new machinery to unique products design conceived to be delivered on European markets. Our goal is to enhance productivity fostering sustainability while reducing the ratio of manual work inputs.
We invested in upgrading all our machinery to the latest technological generation to lower the energy consumption, drastically reducing both the risk of potential environmental impact and the fatigue of repetitive and standardized manual tasks. Since 2005 all new product lines are manufactured in plastic-coated steel which is 100% recyclable– defined by the BRI as permanent resource. This material was selected for its intrinsic sustainability: it doesn’t require to be painted but actually gets around the need for any further coating and for the use of chemical pollutants as well as processes requiring intensive use of natural resources – mainly water and energy.
The production process is designed on the competences and needs of each member of the team, aiming at the specialization of our employees accordingly to their skills and will. We believe that the quality of the product is the result of the quality of the work of people and resources manufacturing it. Furthermore, we are convinced that enhancing our employees abilities, giving room to the expression and consolidation of their potential and competences, these constitute a major driver for motivation, satisfaction and consequently they lead to shape a collaborative and stimulating working environment where our employees choose to keep belonging to the team.
Such mindset is the core of the effective cooperation and collaboration in the team, the source of the excellence distinguishing our products. Briefly presenting the essence of our catalogue, we mention the series EVA and VELA. Both product lines have been designed and developed in 2023 and they are a symbol of economic, social and environmental sustainability blended into the improved production efficiency. As our standard products, they are manufactured using plastic-coated steel, but they require 25% less raw material and 62% less machinery working-time per product. The sharp reduction in energy consumption is a direct result of product design combined with the efficient exploitation of the capabilities of the new, innovative and highly automated machinery. Finally EVA and VELA significantly reduce the labor of the assembling department.

8.4 Improve progressively, through 2030, global resource efficiency in consumption and production and endeavour to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation, in accordance with the 10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production, with developed countries taking the lead.

Our product belongs to the series of key components for radiating heating and cooling systems which are the preferential technological solution in the European programs to decarbonize heating and cooling systems in residential and commercial buildings in the next decade.

8.5 By 2030, achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value.

Closely collaborating with local bodies and agencies we are able to deliver effectively on our social commitment to generate positive impact in our community.
Together we implement projects to reintegrate into the job market people affected by disabilities or facing long-term unemployment. We also established a collaboration to include in our team refugees and migrants from developing countries who keep growing with us professionally and as citizens to this day. With this project we believe we can give our contribution to the UN Agenda on prevention of human trafficking and favoring legal and human-rights-mindful migration. Sure we are a small player globally, yet we do our best to give trust and a possible future to those people deemed to be disadvantaged no matter what. Over the years, we had the chance to witness the impact of this policy, true benefits for the people involved in the program and for the community overall. It was an honor for us to see one of our employees becoming European and Italian citizen, to assist people affected by disabilities striving to get back in the workplace and recovering their independency, the younger generation – people in their twenties – growing professionally and as individuals, people involved in the Project Work-In beginning a new life thanks to the skills acquired in our team.
This last project has been deployed to implement article 27 of the Italian Constitution, and it gives an opportunity to learn a profession in the process of inmates reintegration in society at the end of their custody or in probation. The goal is to reduce the chances of possible marginalization or biased discrimination leading to recidivism. For us it is a way to give another chance to someone who made a mistake and paid for it, thus contributing to a more just, inclusive and plural society.
A job can’t be called so unless it is paid. This is mandatory for us and a stronghold for PF.
We firmly believe that respect, substantial equality and non-discrimination are reflected in adequate salaries. After all, it’s only with a salary that an individual can purchase an house, one can do the grocery, and each person can freely choose the perceived best for oneself and the beloved ones. The social and societal well-being is pursuable exclusively via fair and dignifying salaries for all. These are the key to counter marginalization of disadvantaged groups. At PF we offer a range of salaries based on tasks and experience. PF rewards with economic incentives all the employees distinguishing themselves for brilliancy and commitment; we also give plenty of opportunities for professional growth and the consequent increase in salary and contractual stability.

8.6 By 2020, substantially reduce the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training

It is impossible to do business without personnel and each firm has processes for HR selection.
We believe that not only we have a social purpose in the present, but we also have the duty to invest in the future. For this reason we established a strong collaboration with Consorzio Mestieri as to offer diverse apprenticeship contracts matching the needs of a diverse pool of candidates, namely apprenticeship described by art. 4 D.Lgs 167\2011, apprenticeship described by art.43 D.Lgs 81\2015 and apprenticeship described by art.43 D.Lgs 81\2015.
Such contracts are designed for young candidates choosing to begin their career with us following specific learning paths to become qualified operators. The aim of the program is to have brilliant and highly competent individuals joining our team for the long term in positions of increasing responsibilities accordingly to skills and competences acquired during the apprenticeship program. Since 2013 we activated 7 apprenticeships, each with a 5 year contract. Today the first apprentices have roles of high responsibility in our team.
Our commitment to the younger generation emerges as well from the data on the age span of our actual employees: 4 out of 13 are under 30; 4 out of 13 are over 50. Between 2013 and 2022, 32.35% (11 out of 34) of the new hires was under 30, 20.58% (7 out of 34) was over 50. Such data proves the attention both for the young and the grown up, the commitment to give an opportunity to everyone regardless of age and on the sole basis of skills and willingness to learn and co-operate.

8.8 Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers, including migrant workers, in particular women migrants, and those in precarious employment

To us, health and safety on the workplace are essential. The word safety doesn’t solely mean the respect of legal obligations, but it incorporates the concept of creating a working environment where everyone feels at ease.
The respect for the individual is imperative and failing on it implies being walked out the door. Only in a context upholding the culture of mutual respect, tolerance – as intended in the TEU – and pluralism it is possible to be an inclusive reality.
Whenever we are faced with the necessity of finding a new team member, granting labour right means collaborating with local bodies which institutionally pursue workforce reintegration projects, offering contracts alien to discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, religion, sexual or political orientation, with a special regard for the youth, refugees and disadvantaged no matter the reason behind it.

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.

9.4 By 2030, upgrade infrastructure and retrofit industries to make them sustainable, with increased resource-use efficiency and greater adoption of clean and environmentally sound technologies and industrial processes, with all countries taking action in accordance with their respective capabilities

Our contribution consists in the upgrade from hydraulic-driven machines to the next generation of fully direct 100% electric driven machinery between 2017 and 2023. This strategic decision enabled us to highly reduce our energy consumption and eliminate the environmental impact of using and disposing of mineral oil.
The improved energy efficiency and performance in terms of productivity of the new machinery enabled PF to significantly reduce the energy consumption and resource and waste footprint related to machinery MRO associated with their wearing out.
PF is committed to the sustainability of its value chain; we shortened our supply chain for our packaging. We manufacture in house the cardboard packaging for our products and we closely collaborate with our cardboard supplier – DS Smith – who takes care of the full recycling of our waste into the same carboard we use.

9.5 Enhance scientific research, upgrade the technological capabilities of industrial sectors in all countries, in particular developing countries, including, by 2030, encouraging innovation and substantially increasing the number of research and development workers per 1 million people and public and private research and development spending.

We are a small entity and our business policies can reasonably aim at having a measurable impact on the local community we are part of, accordingly to the organizational, economics and financial reach of a SME.
PF invested in an industrial 3D printing system for polymers acquiring both a new production machine and a new set of advanced technological skills. Our dedicated team masters the engineering expertise involved in R&D projects not only within the framework of specific PF business activities, but also collaborating with partners and university research projects.

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

11.6 By 2030, reduce the adverse per capita environmental impact of cities, including by paying special attention to air quality and municipal and other waste management.

Our production process does not include the direct emission of powders, CO2 or other pollutants in air, water or soil. The heating and cooling systems operate only with electrical power supply avoiding any sort of direct or indirect use of fossil fuels. Our raw material is 100% recyclable since it is a permanent resource. We dispose to recycling all our production waste – steel, aluminum, cardboard and paper, packaging – optimizing our logistical footprint to maximize the benefits of circular economy. The other process-related and non-hazardous urban waste is disposed via the town-administered differentiated waste collection services. Our staff has been trained for compliance on the town-issued regulations and guidelines. Our team members are continuously encouraged to abide the recommendations and requirements of the differentiated waste collection service providers.

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

12.5 By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse.

From raw material to packaging our products are distinguished by the use of recycled material, thus limiting the environmental impact and giving new value to waste.

PF has always relied on the most advanced technological tools, from the CAD\CAM software to the automated processing cells which enabled the optimized use of raw materials with an efficiency rate around 85%. The product design has always been inspired by the concept of mastering the technical performances via the intelligent use of material properties which means using resources exclusively where their contribution is strictly necessary for the functionality of the product and in the optimal quantity.

This is the key for minimizing the resource use, the logistic footprint, the volumes of materials destined to be disposed or recycled. Each new product line reflects such approach and our continuous refinement brings an incremental improvement.

12.6 Encourage companies, especially large and transnational companies, to adopt sustainable practices and to integrate sustainability information into their reporting cycle.

Our relationships with clients and suppliers are based on collaboration, transparency and mutual attention to the topics of sustainable development. PF in a dialoguing approach verifies the adherence of our suppliers to our sustainability standards.

Our partners


We’ve been awarded the Ecovadis Silver Metal 15%. We qualify in the
In 2021 we chose to partner with Kartenia for the disposal of


ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance. Environmental, Social and Governance factors qualify a business as sustainable.


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity. The 17 SDGs are integrated—they recognize that action in one area will affect outcomes in others, and that development must balance social, economic and environmental sustainability. The creativity, knowhow, technology and financial resources from all of society is necessary to achieve the SDGs in every context.